Wolf Ridge
Wolf Ridge is an environmental camp located along the North Shore of Minnesota. Typically, sixth-grade students attend a week-long trip where learning activities address the following skills:
- Fostering awareness, curiosity, and sensitivity to the natural world
- Providing lifelong learning experiences in nature
- Developing social understanding, respect, and cooperation
- Modeling values, behaviors, and technologies which lead to a sustainable lifestyle
- Promoting the concepts of conservation and stewardship
This year, the sixth grade trip to ELC is February 10-14th, 2025. The cost of the trip will be ∼$365. Students are able to fundraise by selling candy during the month of October. Checks can be written out to ISD 111. If you would like to sponsor a child who is unable to afford to go, you can also send a payment to the middle school office.
Questions and concerns about the trip can be addressed to Karen Veches. Click link below for forms.
Coordinator: Karen Veches
February 5th
Dear parents and guardians,
If your child is attending Wolf Ridge next week, please read the following reminders:
- If you choose to send snacks with your child, they need to be nut-free and able to fit in 1 1-gallon size Zip-Loc bag.
- Please review your child's luggage and make sure all the required gear has been included.
- Drop-off is at 5:45 a.m. on Monday, February 10.
- Students are allowed to have their phones on the buses. Once students get to Wolf Ridge, phones will be locked in the staff room for the week. WM staff members will post photos of the week in a shared folder.
- If you need to contact your child throughout the week, email Karen Veches, (kveches@wm.k12.mn.us) and she will make sure the message is shared with your child and, if necessary or requested, have your child contact you.
- Plan on picking up your child by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February. The buses typically get back to the school around 4:45 p.m. If for some reason the buses are running late, every attempt to notify parents ahead of time will be made.
- While we expect to have a fun and memorable experience at Wolf Ridge, school expectations are still in effect. Please remind your child to be a ROYAL throughout the entire trip.
- If something unexpected comes up this weekend, please don't hesitate to reach out to Karen Veches. (kveches@wm.k12.mn.us)
January 29th
Dear parents,
As a reminder there are a few actions that need to be taken at this time for the Wolf Ridge trip if you have not done so already.
- A packet with an emergency contact sheet and medication release form was sent home with your child. Please go through the packet and return the forms on or before the required dates.
- Every student and chaperone is required to have a online liability form on file with Wolf Ridge. Please complete as soon as possible.
- If you have any questions or concerns about the trip, please reach out to Karen Veches.
January 23, 2025
Dear parents,
There are a few actions that need to be taken at this time for the Wolf Ridge trip.
- Unless you have made other arrangements with Karen Veches, all payments are due tomorrow, January 24th. Cash and checks made out to ISD 111 are accepted. If you do not know how much is owed, please contact your child's advisory teacher.
- A packet with an emergency contact sheet and medication release form is being sent home with your child today. Please go through the packet and return the forms on or before the required dates.
- Every student and chaperon is required to have a online liability form on file with Wolf Ridge. Parents will receive this form in a sperate email (sent out on 1-23-25).
- If you have any questions or concerns about the trip, please reach out to Karen Veches.
Thank you for your attention,
Pam Quarve and Karen Veches
January 7th, 2025
Dear Sixth-grade families,
The staff and students are getting very excited for our trip to Wolf Ridge next month. Here are a couple of things to keep in mind:
- Final payments are due on January 24. Your child's advisory teacher can tell you what is still owed. Please send cash or checks made out to ISD 111.
- Here is the packing list. If you have concerns about obtaining the necessary gear, please contact Karen Veches. We have limited funds available to help families that need it.
- The trip takes place February 10-14. Students should be at the middle school at 5:45 a.m. on February 10 and be picked up by 5:00 p.m. on February 14.
Thank you for your time,
Karen Veches and Pam Quarve